【同义词辨析】 2017-05-31 方法method-system

method: implies an orderly, logical, and effective arrangement usually in steps: an effective ~ of birth control.    (arrange布置安排: to set in a fit, suitable, or right sequence or relationship设置恰当的顺序或关系,如a bouquet of elaborately arranged flowers一束精心布置的鲜花,又如to arrange a meeting安排一个会议 )   逻辑就是有序思考orderly thinking

mode: implies an order or course followed by custom, tradition, or personal preference: the preferred ~ of transportation.  mode强调通常,介绍两个常用拉丁短语: 1) modus operandi惯用手法: mode of operating缩写m.o.,如犯罪手法, 低价竞争后抬价等, 如we got a handle on the killer's m.o., but we cannot go public with it yet我们已掌握凶手惯用手法,但还不能公开。 2) modus vivendi生活方式: the way of life缩写m.v.: 指生活中很多事必须妥协让步,如工作关系等,如after 1940, a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved1940年后,教会和政府达成了妥协,字面意思这就是生活常态

manner: is close to mode, but may imply a procedure or method that is individual and distinctive: a highly distinctive ~ of conducting. (conduct本意是控制引导,引申义有两个1售票 2指挥乐队)

way: is very general and may be used in place of any of the preceding words: her usual slapdash ~ of doing things.  (slapdash潦草粗心: to do something quickly and carelessly: a slapdash paper一篇潦草马虎的论文 )

fashion: may suggest a peculiar and characteristic but perhaps superficial and ephemeral way of doing something: rushed about, in typical New York fashion.   ephemeral朝生夕死的,形容生命短

system: suggests a fully developed or carefully formulated method often emphasizing the idea of rational orderliness: followed no ~ in playing the horses.    赌马

method方法: 表示有序有逻辑有效果布置安排(arrangement见注),通常分步骤,mode方式: 依照传统习俗或个人喜好的,即通常顺序方式(course本意河道,course of action做事方式),manner个人方式: 意思接近,但暗示个人独特的方法(procedure流程就是方法),way方法方式: 非常通用,可代替之前任何词,fashion独特方式: 形容方式独特特有,但可能肤浅短暂, 还指流行时尚,system系统: 表示方法完备(fully developed)并且有秩序(orderliness) (即系统是一种完备的方法,方法一般只表示分步骤有顺序)

记忆方法: 1)首字母MMMWFS想成三人问师傅<==请教做事方法

         2)方法的意思是为达到目的采用的方法步骤mean the means or procedure followed in achieving an end. (means泛指手段,这里指方法procedure遵循特定方法的流程,也表示方法)